This post is going to be a little different from the usual here. I realize I speak often about the importance of being in God's Word, but what if one is at loss for effective ways to study it? Recently I read through this quick, 26 page long book, "How Should Teens Read The Bible?" by Joel R. Beeke, and I am going to share an excerpt that I think is helpful no matter what age you are.
Things to ask yourself as you read the scriptures:
1. What does this chapter teach me about God?
Look for teaching about His attributes, attitudes, and actions.
2. Specifically, what does this chapter reveal about Christ?
Look for Christ in all the scriptures, including the Old Testament. He is the key to, and the message of the entire Bible.
3. What doctrines are taught in this chapter?
Make a list of them with relevant quotations from the chapter and any cross references you may know.
4. Who are the leading characters?
5. What are the main events?
6. What sins and follies are stated or implied?
Examine your heart in the light of this list. Which things in the list, or suggested by it, do you need to confess and forsake?
7. What are the virtues evidenced in this chapter that I should seek after and cultivate?
8. What new things have I seen and what old truth has the Lord brought with fresh blessing to my heart?
9. What are the key words and phrases that call for further study?
10. Which one thing may I remember this chapter by?