Friday, January 13, 2017

Thoughts From The Ditch

Not many people would be laughing at themselves in my position. Currently I am sitting in the ditch with my emergency flashers going, waiting for a tow truck to arrive and get me out of a snow bank. Not that it's hilarious that I am stuck here, but the fact of the matter is I am fine, my car is fine, and I just feel a little silly. Why? Because all winter long I've been rolling my eyes at people who can't drive in the snow. But I’ve got this, I say to myself, as I confidently maneuver my little all-wheel-drive through the streets.

This morning I was reading my Bible and noting God’s high view of humility. Heh, little did I consider just how prideful I've been about my winter driving skills and my vehicle’s abilities… Well, until now. At any rate, God is good. Really really good- I didn't hit the other car that was in the ditch, I didn't hit anything that could damage my car, and no injuries were incurred, aside to my pride (but apparently I needed that!).

What did I learn tonight? Black ice is startling and you don't know it's there until you're on top of it. I also learned that sliding into the ditch can happen to anyone, no matter how good their car is or how skilled they are at winter driving. Most importantly though, I learned that sometimes we need God to let us hit a little adversity to show us where we need to improve.

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."Proverbs 16:18


  1. Once I did a full 360 sliding down an icy hill and somehow didn't hit anything. I just kept driving. I mean, what else was I supposed to do!

    1. That's amazing (and scary)! God wasn't done with you yet!! :) You've sure had some wild experiences in your travels.
