Just a quick note to let you know that things are going to look a little different on Captured Yet Fleeting this month. In addition to the usual Friday devotional post, there will be also be a brief daily post.
Because I am conducting an experiment on myself.
I always hear the little promotions for the Christian radio station where people call in and say how it has impacted them in their lives. I want to see what sort of influence changing my music selection for a month can have on me. So, my goal for the month of April is to listen primarily to contemporary Christian-based and instrumental songs. Each day, I am going to chronicle what I am doing, what I am listening to, how I am feeling, and something about the music that stood out to me each day. I hope that my findings in this experiment will be beneficial to us both in some way. Want to join the experiment? Let me know. I'd love to follow your story!
Interesting experiment. I can't abide much of CCM, but might I suggest Effect Radio? It's Christian rock music, and you can listen online at www.effectradio.com. You can listen on a computer or iPod/phone.