Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The CCM Experiment: April 19

Feeling: Exhausted but satisfied.

Doing: Nursing home housekeeping, library shelving, bookbinding, blogging.

Listened to: The Aux Cable Podcast, Welcome Wagon (folk), The Jazz Typhoons (Jazz...duh)

Lyric that stood out the most to me:

"Those are my best days, when I shake with fear"

- "My Best Days, Parts 1 & 2", The Welcome Wagon

This repeated line at the end of their song is not only an oddly happy tune, it causes you to stop and think. Is it true? It may not seem like it in the moment of fear, but looking back on those days when I've been fearful, in the end God has carried me through.

I also will add that The Welcome Wagon is one of my favorite bands that I've discovered this month. Their music is so chill and pleasant to listen to. The vibe makes me think of firefly-lit nights spent in Nashville and their lyrics range from fun and a little quirky ("Rice And Beans (But No Beans)" ) to thought provoking and reminiscent of the book of Psalms ("My God, My God Parts 1 & 2"). Their album is only $8 on Bandcamp. Check them out!

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