Saturday, April 8, 2017

The CCM Experiment: April 8

Feeling: Stressed in morning/early afternoon, then energetic and determined.

Doing: Housekeeping work at the nursing home, library shelving, and skating at the roller rink.

Listened to: Decypher Down (rock), Jeremy Camp (rock/worship), Shine Like Stars (pop-rock/acoustic), the Christian Music Podcast, The Aux Cable Show, a whole ton of msc. stuff played at The Rollaway (skating rink)...mostly hip hop and pop.

Lyric that stood out the most to me:

I'll admit, I'm glad I am writing this late. While I was working today things were so busy that I didn't get a chance to make note of particular lyrics. Tonight's outstanding song hit me at The Rollaway:

"You're the judge, oh no

Set me free
You're the judge, oh no
Set me free
I know my soul's freezing
Hell's hot for good reason"

- Twenty One Pilots

It makes me think of one standing before God someday and suddenly being hit with the fact that there will be judgment placed upon them that actually matters- it is a (eternal) life and death thing. The most important question we can ponder is whether our soul is so frozen towards God that only Hell would thaw it out, or if the Holy Spirit is stirring a work in our hearts that we should draw near to the Lord. Being a "good person" by earthly standards means nothing when we are cold towards God.

PS: Really not sure if Twenty One Pilots counts as CCM or not, but I recently learned that I quite enjoy them. Their lyrics often make me think.

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